Meet Our Pigs

We are raising the Tamworth breed. This breed is an Irish breed. They are known as the bacon breed. Reddish/brown skin tone. They have a sweet and onery demeanor. They are great diggers. They use their snouts to dig, clear, till the ground.

We started raising the Tamworth in 2021 for pork, for our family. We did that twice, with a pair of brothers we purchased from a farm in Jay, OK.

In our third round of purchasing piglets, we got our first gilt. We named her Miss Piggy. She is now a year old. In May, of 2023 she became a sow. We used AI to get her pregnant and she gave birth to 14 piglets, 12 survived. See the pictures below. Miss Piggy will be expecting this spring.

We now have two gilts we have kept, for future breeding. We named one Rosette. She has not been AI yet. Our second gilt is Natasha, now she has been AI and will be expecting this spring 2024.

Piglets were farrowed on May 6th, 2024. 11 were farrowed, and 10 survived.

Our Two Breeding Sows:

Miss Piggy
BAF22 / EN 1-1
Registration #292351
TOH23 / EN 1-8
Registration #298444